Yesterday, in the lobby of iWeb’s HQ in Montreal, we officially unveiled iWeb’s Vision, Mission and Values (VMV), a big, framed statement of who we are and what we stand for.
To me, and to everyone at iWeb, this is a very important milestone in our history, especially since we recently revisited and renewed this very important statement.
It started 2 months ago, when the management team decided to question the last version of iWeb’s VMV. After many meetings, e-mails and discussions, we ended up with the current, updated statement.
The next step was to share this with everyone in the company, so I met every staff member, in small groups of 10-15 people. I also asked three questions :
1- How did they discover iWeb? friends? Online? from competitors?
2- How do they see iWeb in 3 years? And finaly;
3- How can they contribue to iWeb’s future success?
The answers people gave were really awesome!
This is how we approached the definitions of VMV:
The Vision is how you see the company in the future.
The mission is what needs to be done to achieve the vision and
The values are the attitude you have when you work!
So we wrapped all of this up Thursday, and I realised the impact of a good and clear VMV statement; it is so fundamental to have this and to share it with the people in the company.